ACD Call Center Service Gets The Most Out Of Agents

acd call center service

In business it is always an advantage to get the most out of its resources and companies recognize that their people are their most valuable resource.  In contact centers the most important human resource are their call center agents.  Because of this call center agents are pampered within call center premises.  They are given above average pay and generous benefits packages.  They are provided with facilities most other types of workers can only dream of like well-stocked pantries, recreation rooms, slumber rooms and even gyms.

All the pampering is proof of how difficult it is to find and retain the services of good call center agents.  This is why contact centers must get the most out of their call center agents; their time is too valuable for them to be left idle or to be expected to do menial tasks.  Their time should be spent doing what they are skilled and trained to do.  It may be selling, providing information, manning complaints hotlines, or collecting payments but it certainly is not manually dialing phones.

Fortunately, contact centers can turn to acd call center for help; the acd stands for automatic call distribution.  That is a deceptively simple name for such powerful software that provides a lot of benefits. Automatic call distribution systems are designed to handle multiple incoming calls and pass them on to the appropriate person or department.  While people may be rattled by simultaneous calls and perhaps make a mistake, acd software never even miss a beat.  Efficient routing prevents dropped calls or calls which are missed entirely; two things sure to draw the ire of clients.  The Canada Contact Center Association and similar industry organizations continuously search for ways to improve efficiency through automation.

Automatic call distribution helps to shorten the waiting time of clients.  While that may sound like a benefit only to the clients, call center agents will find it easier to deal with clients who have not been asked to wait too long.  Moreover, the acd analyzes where the call came from and matches it with a database containing call handling instructions to determine the most appropriate agent or department. This aids in easier resolution of issues, increase call center agent confidence, and customer satisfaction.  You can find a section on automatic call distribution if you visit this site.

An acd call center service may be paired with interactive voice response (IVR) systems and computer telephony integration.  IVR helps route the calls when the client is willing to input some parameters of the call such as type of information or issue, relevant department, type of product, etc.  It speeds up accurate call routing.  When ACD is used in conjunction with computer telephony integration, previously collected data can be made available to the call center agent before and during the each call.  Having bits of information about the client, previous call history and issue resolutions provide the agent with a huge advantage.  He can tailor his responses to better address the client’s concerns.  All these result in shorter call durations which allows the call center agent to field more calls.